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Descriptive name in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2023-03-15Updated:2023-03-15
Similar words: descriptivedescriptivelydescriptive geometrydescriptive languagedescriptive statisticsprescriptivedescriptionpositive prescription
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1. The high oil content lending black oats their descriptive name made them a traditional feed for horses.
2. Other mechanisms for trapping prey have similarly descriptive names: snap, suction, lobster pot, flypaper, loop.
3. Specify a descriptive name like ETLDAP.conf.
4. Provide a descriptive name for your offer that helps you identify it within your offer list.
5. In the Project Properties group pane, enter a descriptive name for the knowledge base.
6. Each activity has a descriptive name and an entry action detailing the work performed by the activity.
6. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
7. A nickname also can be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.
8. Give the question a descriptive name - this allows you to identify it in the question bank.
9. Descriptive name for the combination of session layer and transport protocol.
10. Please enter a descriptive name for this account in the space below. This name will be used for display purposes only.
11. Give it a descriptive name, and under the plug-ins tab, select launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins.
12. Do you rely on a fund's descriptive name when making purchase decisions?
13. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.
14. Type a descriptive name in the Plug-in Name field or keep the default, Buddynote Plug-in.
15. At the same time, we choose a suitably descriptive name for the component.
16. Give the view a descriptive name. Slowly click View1 twice (do not double-click), type Clear Body , and then press Enter .
17. A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname also can be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.
18. A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.
19. It is recommended that if you have one of these situations, you create a new configuration with a descriptive name to avoid confusion.
20. For centuries, coastal farmers used a powerful fertilizer that they found covering the rocks on the tip of this peninsula during the dry season—thus giving this area its descriptive name.
21. OmniFind organizes its results into categories. Each category is a rule-based set of search results, given an ID and a descriptive name.
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